
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

poetry party 12

invitation to poetry icon

In her intro to the path shimmers Christine explains,
This week’s Poetry Party is dedicated to Pam McCauley who is a regular reader of this blog and an active poet and contributor to these Parties... [during Lent] Consider ways you might begin a journey of deeper intimacy with the Sacred Source of all that is. Consider stepping on a path that shimmers with the blessings of both beauty and sorrow.

I love Christine's words, "a path that shimmers with the blessings of both beauty and sorrow," and maybe I'll reflect on them later, but here's mine for today:

daisy cascade

getting ashed on the first day of lent!
remembering to dust I'll return?
no, not this time!
reminding me just as
every time wildfires sear the earth
wildflowers freely abound in their wake
I need to be dead before
the spirit will birth my new world
and new life cascades from ashes of old


Anonymous said...

Leah, I love the image and especially your closing line: "new life cascades from ashes of old" -- thanks so much for joining the party again!

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

good stuff! and ties in with a story i'm telling tomorrow night about wildfires in fact... so cool when the spirit is on the move!!!