according to Sally of Eternal Echoes,
First Superbowl (someone explain to this Brit the significance)- love it or hate it? 5 reasons please!!!!!
First Superbowl, Second Candlemas/ Imbloc/ Groundhog day/ St Brigid's day- all of these fall on either the 1st or 2nd February. Bonus- 2nd Feburary is also my Birthday- I will donate £1.00 for every comment on my Friday Five Post to the Methodist Relief and Development Fund.
2. How? This year I'll celebrate Sally Day by posting on at least one of my blogs about good things that are happening in the church; I'll also be eager to see what the TV weather people have to say about punxsutawney phil.
3. It's more deeply needed and desired fun than of deep significance, but I appreciate Sally's generosity, so this year's 2 February has an extra bit of joy and significance.
4. Since the liturgical calendar notes and the lectionary provides for celebrating of saints, I'd like to make saints days more important in my life, especially since we have a lot to learn from their examples. But for me, the church's great festivals of such as Nativity, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost probably always will remain more in the forefront.
5. About my favourite Saints day/celebration, see my response to 4, plus J.S. Bach, Schütz and Handel on 28 July and Luke the Evangelist on 18 October.
I too, like, the ritual of celebrating various liturgical days/seasons.
And...I love the two graphics right below this post...WOW!!!
I'll with you for the three starting with Sally;s birthday!
Thank you for a great play- I grow poorer in purse and richer in spirit!!!
Thank you also for your wonderful graphics!
you musician you! thought of you today while painting and lifted up some prayers... hope things have turned for you toward the better and the brighter.
the painting... well it's gotta dry. can't do much when it's wet. wet. wet.
Great play, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
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